About Cheshire

Over a century of supporting Cheshire golf clubs

What does your County do for you?

The result of the unification of the Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs and the Cheshire County Ladies Golf Association on 23rd September 2024, is that Cheshire Golf now represents a single voice for golf within Cheshire and at regional and national levels.

Our mission is: 

  • to encourage our affiliated members to promote and grow the game of golf in Cheshire in a safe and friendly environment, welcoming everyone, irrespective of age, gender or ethnicity.
  • To represent and support the clubs in introducing and providing a broad range of competitive golf for their members whatever their level of ability.
Did you know that Cheshire Golf arranges:
  • 13 Cheshire County Championships during the season across all age ranges
  • Significant investment in the coaching of our juniors and across our squads
  • Competitions for pairs, teams and individuals across all groups
  • County team tournaments, Inter-County matches within the northern counties’ leagues and championships and friendly matches with other counties and clubs.

We provide advice and support to clubs on:
  • Safeguarding
  • All aspects of the World Handicapping System
  • Undertaking course ratings for WHS purposes. 
  • Rules of Golf (including disputes)
  • Disciplinary matters
  • Supporting charities to help people with disabilities and health issues to play and take part in golf
  • Deliver roadshows to clubs on a range of different topics
As a member of an Affiliated Club, you can benefit from:
  • Cheshire County Card
Free to apply: County Card Scheme – Cheshire Golf. Provides discounted  green fees at clubs across England
One-off fee of £25 to join, giving access to seven betterball competitions a year at venues across Cheshire. These are excellent value and a chance to make new friends from clubs across the county.
  • Participation in championships and competitions
  • Participation in the Handicap Trophy, open to members off any handicap 
  • Participation in the Mixed Foursomes championship

notable cheshire players

We’ve had significant success in producing national championship winners and players who have represented their country. Most recently Daniel Hayes has won the Carris Trophy and represented GB&I Boys as well as England at Boys and Men’s levels.

Notable players who have benefitted from our coaching and player development programs and have gone on to success in the professional ranks include Paul Waring, David Horsey, Bronte Law, Jamie Donaldson, Joanne Morley and Matt Jordan. Thanks to our player development programs, Cheshire are in a position where its representative County Teams are able to successfully compete against their peers. We are working hard to preserve, enhance and advance the quality of golf throughout the county of Cheshire.

Mission Statement

To encourage our affiliated members to promote and grow the game of golf in the county of Cheshire in a safe and friendly environment, welcoming everyone, irrespective of age, gender or ethnicity. To represent and support the Clubs in introducing and providing a broad range of competitive golf for their members, whatever their level of ability


To further the interest of Amateur Golf in Cheshire

To assist clubs in correctly operating the World Handicapping  System 

To undertake and review course ratings as required under WHS

To encourage and develop players to County and International standard. This includes a significant investment in delivering comprehensive coaching to young golfers

To arrange the following events:

Amateur Championships of the County , County Team Championship, Boys, Girls and Junior Championships, Inter-County Matches within the Northern Counties league and Championships.

To organise and maintain the facilities of the Cheshire Card, and the County Membership Scheme, also known as the Life Members Association.

To co-operate with other County Golf Unions, England Golf, R&A and other golf bodies in such a manner as to promote the game at county and national level.


We are always looking for people to join the board as a director, but there are also opportunities to help develop golf without becoming a Board Director. If you are interested in one or more of the following areas, please contact County Secretary, Steve Doughty at secretary@cheshiregolf.org.uk  or on 01244 678004 with your area of interest and expertise and your contact details. Steve or one of the Board Directors will then follow this up with a personal telephone call.

We are always looking for additional people to help in the following areas:

Finance & Accountancy

Marketing & Business Development

Event Management of County Championships and County Matches

Social Media / Web Development

Golf Course Assessment Surveys

Coaching Junior Teams

policies, rules & important documents

SAFEGOLF accreditation for CUGC and CCLGA was awarded in early 2021 from England Golf and has been awarded to Cheshire Golf February 2025.

The County’s policy documents on young people and vulnerable adults can be found by clicking on the below.

CGL Safeguarding Adults Policy September 2024

CGL Safeguarding Children and Young People Policies Procedures September 2024

Safe Golf Certificate – Cheshire Golf 2025

We are here to help with any queries on Safe Golf accreditation.

It is also best to speak with Ben Johnson on 077702 555564

ben.johnson@englandgolf.org as Cheshire’s Club Support Officer at England Golf.

Steve Doughty, County Secretary secretary@cheshiregolf.org.uk 

David Durling, County Welfare Officer ddurling@btinternet.com

Golf Course Rating  


Over the last years our all the courses in the County have been rated and you will now be familiar with the ‘slope’ rating for your own course and tees.

We are now commenced a 10 year cycle to re-rate all courses in the county. 

All courses will be re-rated using the USGA system and this will occur progressively over the next 10 years with priority being given to new courses and courses which have significantly changed since they were last rated.


Since men’s and women’s courses are now being rated on the same basis, Cheshire have a group of raters led by Jim McBride. Anyone interested in helping, please contact Steve Doughty at secretary@cheshiregolf.org.uk


The Task

There are 95 Affiliated Golf Clubs in Cheshire. The England Golf requirement is to complete USGA Course Rating at 10 year intervals. All Tees are to be rated from a Scratch and Bogey Perspective

The Work

Teams of 3 or 4 take 4 to 5 hours to rate a course. Subsequent administration requires 20 minutes per tee.

Cheshire were an early signatory to the England Golf  EDI policy. Further details are contained in the attached document.

Cheshire Golf EDI Policy September 2024


The 1st  ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Cheshire Golf Limited will be held at Sandiway Golf Club  on Tuesday 4th February, 2025 at 2pm

Steve Doughty, Company Secretary, 

2025 AGM Agenda

2025 AGM Minutes

2024 AGM Minutes

CUGC Ltd Accounts to 31 October 2024  Signed Accounts 2024

Memorandum and Articles of Association 2025

Any Club wishing to nominate someone to the CGL Board, please contact Steve Doughty at secretary@cheshiregolf.org.uk

Extraordinary General Meeting of The Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs Limited at Sandiway Golf Club was held on Monday 23 September 2024

The Proposed Unification of The Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs Limited (“the Union”) and The Cheshire County Ladies Golf Association Limited (“the Association”) was approved at the meeting.


The Articles of Association of the new unified company Cheshire Golf Limited are  included below.

Articles of Association of Cheshire Golf Limited 2024

Steve Doughty, Company Secretary

The following link will take you to a news item about the EGM.


County Officials



Join a Cheshire Golf Club

Cheshire Golf  93 Affiliated clubs amounting to over 40,000 playing members. There are a wide range of golf courses within Cheshire offering varied challenges to every level of golfing skill from the Open Championship venue of Royal Liverpool through to player friendly 9 hole courses; there is a course in Cheshire to suit every need. There is even a Golf Club purely for Junior golfers. Though many of our courses are in a rural setting, the large conurbations of the Wirral, Warrington and Manchester are well represented, offering courses which are green oasis with varied wildlife.

Becoming a member of a Golf Club has many benefits of which unlimited access to a golf course is the major one. Golf Clubs generally have a very active social calendar attracting a wide cross section of the community. For the more competitive golfer, there are many opportunities to test your golfing ability against your fellow members. A member is entitled to an official WHS Handicap, recognised throughout the world. Our golf clubs always offer a warm welcome to new members and visitors. Join a Golf Club and you will have sport for a lifetime where you will make lifetime friends.

Golf Club members also become members of Cheshire Golf England Golf. As a member of Cheshire Golf you are entitled to receive a free County Card which entitles the holder to play a round of golf at over 1800 golf clubs in 30 different County Unions throughout England at a reduced rate.

If you are interested in joining a Cheshire Club, you will find a page listing all of our 93 Affiliated Clubs with a direct link to the clubs’ own website. Contact the Club Secretary who will be able to advise you of the membership categories available. Many clubs offer reduced playing rights at a reduced rate, ideal for those with limited amount of time.

Steve Doughty

County Secretary

Phone 01244 678004 or email – secretary@cheshiregolf.org.uk


Cheshire Golf has a rich history dating back to 1907. 

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