CMW News

Megan Sumner holes an 8 footer on last to win the point to beat Yorkshire for the first time in a long time at the Northern County’s Match Week 2018 at Huddersfield Golf Club. Cheshire 5 Games to Yorkshire 4.

In the tightest match week in years, where no one knew which way the results would go, Yorkshire ran out the winners by a few games from a surprise 2nd by Cumbria who have been bottom for a number of years. Cheshire on the last day put up a good show, being the only team to beat Yorkshire, with a good all round performance from the team all week. Emily Mc Burney winning her County Colours and won 8 points out of her 9 games she was involved in.

Cheshire ended up 3rd having lost to Cumbria,halved with Durham and beating Northumberland, Lancashire and Yorkshire this year.
Well done girls – you did us proud
Sybra Eardley
County Captain