Local Restrictions Update
As you will be aware, from today (Wednesday 14th October), the Government has introduced a three-tier system of local restrictions to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic across England. We have worked through the three tiers to understand the implications for golf clubs and produced updated guidance documents to support clubs.
Our Play Safe ‘Framework for Playing Golf’ remains the over-arching guidance document for the majority of England but areas in Tiers Two and Three must ensure that they comply with the additional restrictions in those areas.
Please find below the guidance for clubs in Tier Two & Three which has been circulated to all affected clubs in the county, as well as our updated PlaySafe document, and also some refreshed guidance on how a club should handle a positive case. All of these documents along with the FAQs are available on the website as well.
Should clubs require additional support related to the opening and operation of their clubhouse, we recommend that they make contact with their Local Authority to help ensure they are compliant