News from Birchwood GC

News from Birchwood GC

Birchwood Golf Club

The Ladies had just planted up the 1st Tee, patio planters, and borders around the club house for the Captains’ Drive Ins when the lockdown happened, of course the Drive-Ins didn’t go ahead, but we still have to take care of the plants.  Fortunately, there are a few ladies who live close to the course and who can call in on their daily walk to give the plants a drink, obviously observing social distancing – we have a rota!

Our Professional, Carl Edwards, has been giving members lessons remotely via email, lots of instructions on how to Put; Chip; Pitch.  He also created a tribute by ‘writing’ NHS💙 on the 18th green as support for the NHS from Birchwood Golf Club.  Carl’s wife is a nurse so it’s a very fitting tribute.

Lady Captain has kept our ladies informed with snippets via a weekly email, and this week sent them an e-card for Easter.  We have also set up lots of WhatsApp groups for chats, quizzes, and all the funny videos that are going around, all to keep every lady feeling less remote.  Whatever would we do without social media?

This year we have so many lady members with a special birthday from 60 – 80!  We had been planning on having a big celebration, possibly a BBQ lunch at the club with live music, let’s hope that this is one celebration that we can hold!

Best wishes to you all, stay safe.



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