Entering Events via golf genius
We use Golf Genius for tournament management. This will allow you to register and pay for entry into this year’s County Championships. It will also be used on the day to manage the scoring and publication of results. You MUST register on Golf Genius prior to entering any Cheshire competition
Scroll down to Competition Entries to see available events and links to the online entry forms.
Entries for 2025 championships and competitions are now open
Entry fees will be collected via Stripe, a card payment system integrated within Golf Genius.

The registration form will require a Membership Number (CDH) plus an email address. In addition, optional information includes Mobile Phone Number, Date of Birth, Affiliation (Home Club). Having an email address and mobile number will allow for communication with the players, particularly useful if there are any late changes to the event. Last year there was a situation when a major accident had occurred near the club. Having a Date of Birth will allow for the set up the ‘age’ categories in advance rather than on the day as was required previously.
You may also like to consider downloading the Golf Genius App to your phone which will get you closer to the information relating to each competition – you log in with your email address and set your own password. The “GGID” that you may see mentioned is a Golf Genius ID code which can refer to individual competitions (or to even more specific information within a competition).
We look forward to seeing you at the Championship over the summer months.
Stewart Neil,
Championships & Competitions Director
Cheshire Championships 2025 Ladies, Men & Juniors
You need to register your Golf Genius account first. Once registered you can enter any event you are eligible for.
County Leagues & Associations
Manchester and District Golf Association (MGDA)
The Manchester and District Golf Alliance consists of over a 100 golf clubs from the Manchester and Cheshire area.
It was formed in 1924, with two main aims. Firstly, to provide additional income throughout the winter months for Professional golfers, but primarily to forge ‘Friendship Through Golf’. Our motto “Friendship Through Golf” forms the basis of everything that we do.
Whilst providing an income for professional golfers MDGA has expanded over the years to include amateur golfers and inter club knockout competitions.
The Dunham Forest Trophy is our most prestigious event, however the competitions also include The City Glass Men’s Foursomes, The Archie Preston Mixed Knockout, Seniors Team Knockout and The BMW Junior Team Knockout.
The prestigious Bell Cup for Ladies is possibly the largest event of its kind in the country. the Association holds other competitions which are open to all ladies who are members of a club which is affiliated to MDLGA.Â
The County thank the MDLGA for their support for County Junior GolfÂ
East Cheshire Inter Club Shield (ECICS)
Click here for Information
ECIS Web Site
Derbyshire and Cheshire Leagues
Mid Cheshire Junior League (MCJL)
Aims and Aspirations of The Mid Cheshire Junior League
To promote the profile of junior golf at both club and county level and in the process give junior boys and girls the opportunity and experience of enjoying competition and friendship at inter-club level with the added bonus of playing on different courses.
In addition it is the aim of The Mid Cheshire Junior League to further the forming of other similar leagues to the mutual benefit of both club and county.
The League currently comprises 22 teams in the east of the county spit into 4 groups who play each other with the winners going through to a final’s days at Warrington Golf Club.
Graham McCormack
Chairman – Mid Cheshire Junior League
Note: Graham is also Manager of the County U14 Team