President Tony Bows Out

Cheshire Union President Tony Gregory retired from his role on Tuesday 6th February at the Union's AGM. His heartfelt speech is well worth reading....

Tony Gregory, Stockport Golf Club has completed a memorable year as the CUGC President which began in a traumatic spell with a serious health problem.
Tony said: “Having suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage 11 weeks before taking office I was unsure about what it would entail.
“But having completed my time in office I am delighted that it was the correct decision enjoying a wonderful year with so many special memories.
“None of this would have been possible without the support of so many lovely people most importantly my wife Linda who chauffeured me for the first six months until I was allowed to drive again.
“Linda joined me at as many fixtures as possible and we enjoyed supporting the various teams.
“I was privileged to be invited to so many entertaining dinners.
“The highlight being an Invitation to the Open at Royal Liverpool GC where the courtesy and respect for the Office of President was very special.
“I had the guidance of an accomplished Chairman David Durling and an excellent Executive.The Secretary Steve Doughty and Treasurers Bob Hamilton and latterly Dave Kimpton provided quality professional guidance.
“I am delighted that we have made significant progress this year towards Unification of the Cheshire Ladies and Men.
“My thanks to Cleve McCurdy for shepherding the Working Party and hopefully unification will be completed during 2024.
“The County Golf has been outstanding and not just in terms of outstanding results.
“It was a joy to watch the under 14s. Their golf was excellent and it was a delight to watch them conduct themselves.
“Graham McCormack and his team are developing golfers that are a credit to Cheshire.
“The under 18s have been the jewel in the Crown this season. They won the Northern Counties League and are still a young team and again the way they conduct themselves their camaraderie and support of each other is exemplary.
“They play great golf and have fun and my thanks goes to Andrew Henshall, Jonathan Kell and Ian Self for their dedication and enthusiasm.
“The Men’s Team had a good Season narrowly missing out in the Northern Counties League and the Big Six.
“Thanks to Chris Peterson for his first class organisation.
“The Coaching that Cheshire Teams receive is superb. In particular I would like to thank John Heggarty and Peter Barber.Their golf pedigree and experience are unrivalled and in addition they are enthusiastic and motivational.
“I loved listening to Peter’s team talks, they were inspiring and we are so fortunate that Peter will take over as non playing Captain in 2024.
“Thanks also to the retiring Captain Jon Beesley for his quality leadership.
“I am particularly pleased that John Heggarty has agreed to take on the role of future CUGC President as his experience will be invaluable.
“Thanks to Martin Keates for organising the Seniors team. It is refreshing to see the same level of enthusiasm and commitment to golf in every County age group.
“The County Tournaments were successful in particular due to Stewart Neil’s dedication and hard work.
“I was fortunate enough to play in all of the Life Members’ Meetings which are very well supported and enjoyed by the County Members.
“Jerry Dixon has taken the organisation of these Meetings to another level.
“The highlight of the year was the Annual Dinner at Carden Park.
“The President of England Golf Chris Pascall was our guest of honour.
“The evening was a great success in particular thanks to Roy and Carole Claxton for their enthusiasm and support.
“I wish the incoming President Roy Claxton and his wife Carole health and happiness for their forthcoming year.
I am sure Roy will prove to be a first rate President and enjoy his time in office.
“I am reminded of a very simple statement
‘The World is run by the people that turn up and Cheshire Golf is very fortunate to have so many wonderful people dedicating themselves to its success.
“My apologies to any that I have not mentioned but there are so many and they are all much appreciated.
“I can only conclude with the simplest and most apposite statement- ‘Thank you to everyone involved in making my year as President of the CUGC one that I will always treasure and never forget.”

Pic Tony pictured with EGU President Chris Pascall

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