Roy Ready for Big Year Ahead

Cheshire’s new President Roy Claxton (pictured) was surprised and delighted to be appointed as the CUGC President for 2024.
Roy said: “ I joined the board a couple of years ago looking after all detail for the Unions annual dinner and it came as quite a surprise to be asked to be 2024 President.
“My first thoughts were that my old Dad would be so proud so I didn’t hesitate to accept the position.
“I see myself as guardian of what gone on before, following on from Tony Gregory, the 2023 President. “2024 will see a major change with the unification of the Men’s and the Ladies County Associations.
“These are challenging times ahead but they are long overdue.
“I started playing golf around the Municipals of Liverpool with my father when I was around 10 years old, eventually joining Allerton GC, the Dudley section. “Later on in life I joined Chester Golf Club around 1983 then left to go on assignment to head up a team of engineers for the German Government in a technology transfer project for Indian Railways.
“I was stationed out in Jamalpur Bihar State and this was the location of Indian Railways Central workshops for the refurbishment of steam locomotives. “Interestingly as this facility was built by the British, they had also built a very nice 9-hole golf course virtually on my doorstep.
“I joined the Indian Railways Iron Horse team playing at Tollygunge GC in Calcutta (now known as Kolkata). “As an aside, I also met and worked for three years very closely with Mother Teresa founder of Missionaries of Charity around the slum areas of Calcutta –a fantastic experience!
“On my return back to the UK I joined Carden Park GC and stayed there until joining Eaton Golf Club in Chester where I joined the board of directors with sole responsibility for all club social events, made Captain on 2019 and although I’ve served my time as a Director, I am still running the social side.
“I suppose two people have encouraged me more than most during my golfing life, one being my father Arthur Claxton who took me everywhere to play as a junior sitting in his motorcycle side car with my bag of clubs straddled between my legs.
“The other is obviously my wife Carol, also a golfer and member of Eaton GC.
“She knew when we first met that golf was a very important aspect of my life and she has been so ‘understanding’ letting me carry on playing whenever needs be.
“If I have any golfing hero it must be Seve Ballesteros as I had the pleasure of playing a round on his home course Real Golf de Pedrena Spain with his brother Manuel who became Seve’s manager.
“This was Manuel’s first game after the death of Seve so it was quite a moment for both of us.”

Pic Roy presented with this President’s badge by outgoing President, Tony Gregory

Copy & images: Geoff Garnett

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